Divisional Deadlines Still Between a Rock and a Hard Place
In NXT Building System Pty Ltd 2023 NZIPOPAT 15 the Assistant Commissioner (AC) clarified that it is in principle possible to obtain an extension of time in which to request examination of a divisional patent application in New Zealand, in exceptional circumstances. The threshold for establishing exceptional circumstances is comparatively low because there is no requirement to prove that all parties involved acted with due diligence and prudence.
On the 19th October 2023, Fiji deposited its instrument of accession to the Paris Convention, meaning the Paris Convention will enter into force for Fiji on the 19th January 2024.
Intellectual Property and Misuse of Market Power in New Zealand
Recent changes to New Zealand’s Commerce Act 1986 enhanced the restrictions on the misuse of market power and also changed the extent to which intellectual property rights are an exception to the market competition that the Commerce Act promotes. Will attempts at enforcing IP Rights be seen as a misuse of market power?
Pipers Attorney Tom Robertson Elected as NZIPA President
Pipers is pleased to announce that Tom Robertson was elected as the President of the New Zealand Intellectual Property Attorneys organisation (NZIPA) at the recent annual general meeting on 8th September 2023.
A Blurry Decision on Alcoholic Beverage Marks … with a twist of lemon
In Gewei Zhang v QB Trademarks SARL 2023 NZIPOTM 40 the opposition was rejected even though the accepted mark begins with the opponent’s mark and despite the Assistant Commissioner (AC) finding the respective parties goods to be similar.